Zamtel and FNB Get Together


It’s common to have  a bank and mobile operator working together to provide services to their clients these days. Just recently, MTN and Stanbic signed a deal in which MTN would provide internet connectivity in most Stanbic bank branches.

Now there’s a new deal in the scene and it’s between Zamtel and FNB. The agreement,signed yesterday, is that Zamtel will provide in-store services at service centres countrywide but for now they will only be available in Chililabombwe, Katete, Kapiri Mposhi, Petauke,  Kalomo, Monze and Mansa. Other places you can access this banking service are by Levy Junction in Lusaka and in Mufulira where the service has been available for the past two months and transactions have amounted to over K1.1 million.

Speaking at the launch of the Zamtel and FNB partnership, Zamtel Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Mupanga Mwanakatwe said the ‘joint plan is to extend the partnership in most of Zamtel’s 37 retail outlets spread across the country and to additional ones as they are launched in the near future‘.

What services will you expect? Well, you will be able to access banking services, buy airtime and SIM cards,  and even handsets that are available in Zamtel stores. It’s a convenient arrangement because it becomes an almost one-stop banking and communication store.

Zamtel is already testing a mobile money platform which will enable customers send/receive money, pay bills and buy airtime but it has not been officially launched yet. We can only guess that with FNB onboard they will be able to access more financial services through that platform.


How far is FNB’s reach? They are present in 6 provinces so far namely, Lusaka, Copperbelt, Central, North Western, Eastern and Southern provinces so that’s a big coverage area for the facility and the new partnership with Zamtel who are in every province will help them spread their banking wings in a way.

Image Credit: Logonoid






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Tech Blogger & Marketer.