Xbox One has a new interface, see?

Source: Xbox

Yesterday, Microsoft unveiled its new user interface (UI) coming to Xbox one later this year that should be every gamer’s highlight of 2015 already.

The most prominent feature of the UI is that it will have a tile layout (think Windows 8) and have digital assistant Cortana enabled. Cortana has been included to assist with gaming selection or to enquire about your next move whilst playing a game, e.g. if you want to take on the next quest/stage, and also schedules your events across all your Windows 10 enabled devices.

Microsoft is referring to this new UI as the ‘New Xbox One Experience’ and they say it will come with a lot more improvement than its predecessor for optimal consumer satisfaction. You should expect faster scrolling vertically to get to other features quickly, Xbox announced that the new interface will allow you to add/invite friends without having to leave game mode.

There is a new “Community” tab that allows you to see other players’ activities, like and comment on them, or even share what interests you there.

The “What’s Trending” tab shows what games are popularly being played or what’s being talked about the most by other Xbox users. The new guide will allow users to get notifications, see what other users are playing and create/respond to other users requests. Cortana’s inclusion will allow you to respond to these without ever having to leave gaming mode too.

According to Gamespot, there is a new game called Recore being developed by Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune and Retro Studios, who are the studio behind Metroid Prime. EA announced Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 with new gameplay and some new characters and worlds. A Dark Souls 3 trailer was shown and it will only be released in early 2016, and will not be an Xbox One exclusive. Banjo Kazooie developer Rare announced a new Xbox One exclusive IP called Sea of Thieves which is a pirate-themed multiplayer game. Coalition Games announced Gears of War 4 set for release in 2016.

Backwards compatibility with Xbox 360 games on Xbox One will be available by simply putting in a physical Xbox 360 disc, which then triggers a game download on the Xbox One. This feature will no service fees.

Microsoft has also teamed up with Valve VR to include VR experiences onto the Xbox One, same as it did with Oculus. Generally the new Xbox One UI should be much faster with better graphics. You in?

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