
The War on SIMs Rages On Between ZICTA And Mobile Operators


The Zambia Information and Communications Authority (ZICTA) has been in the limelight lately, actively pointing out all the things that the 3 Zambian mobile network operators (MNOs) are doing wrong. We applaud their efforts.

This time around the mobile operators are at fault. An investigation by ZICTA on the Copperbelt and Eastern provinces revealed that some MNOs are selling  pre-registered and active SIM cards to new subscribers on their network, when the normal procedure is for every new subscriber to go and register a new SIM card with their valid identity cards or documents.

As to when we will get the names of the actual operators, ZICTA’s Public Relations Manager, Ms Ngabo Nankonde, said in a written statement that “Information regarding the names of the defaulting Service Providers and the punitive action to be meted on them will be released as soon as our Compliance and Legal Teams are through with the investigations.”

On the issue, in a media query to Airtel Networks Zambia, Director of Corporate Governance and Communications Joseph Kafwariman simply stated that “Airtel does not sell illegal active SIM cards.”

MTN’s Communications and Corporate Social Investment Specialist Eugene Phiri responded as well, saying the matter will have to be looked into further before MTN can give a response.

Zamtel’s Public Relations department chose not to respond.

As soon as we have more details on the matter, we will be right here to let you know.


Tech Blogger & Marketer.