Twitter and it’s ever changing updates!
This time around Twitter’s new ’embed’ test feature that allows a user to put another tweet within their own tweet in the form of a link, and tweet the whole thing. It’s just a test feature that hasn’t been officially rolled out yet.
The cool part is you still have 140 characters to work with in addition to your link so your followers will have to open the tweet-link you have embedded in order to see it.
Basically it’s a tweet within a tweet, which is very different from re-tweeting where you just repost someone else’s tweet for your followers to see. Twitter’s new embed test feature will allow you to add your opinion in 140 characters before the tweet you want to repost. It is also different from ‘quoting’ a tweet as the quote plus the tweet itself had to still come up to 140 characters.
We’ll just have to see if they make this feature official but it seems like one that will be received well.
Image Credit: Huffington Post, The Next Web