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Top Influencers for #Zambia on @Twitter

Just in case you thought you were among the top tweeple who make noise on the platform. We have news for you: the top influencers are mostly people in the diaspora!

Top Influencers for #Zambia hashtag according to Klout.com
Top Influencers for #Zambia hashtag according to Klout.com

Klout is a website and mobile app that uses social media analytics to rank its users according to online social influence via the “Klout Score”, which is a numerical value between 1 and 100. Currently, there is an iOS App that allows users to stay connected to their Klout Dashbaord, and manage their online profiles by analysing, tracking and following trending topics, score activity, and lists of their followers/connections across social networks: twitter, facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

The Klout score is an aggregate based on the calculation of influence within each platform. Using this and other tools, such as Twentyfeet many brands, personalities, organisations and/or causes can use social media to achieve greatness which can change a nation, start a revolution, coach others or tell a story.

The top tweeple, who are mostly based out of Zambia in the diaspora and the region, are: Sara Brown(@MadeInZambia), Bwalya (@MissBwalya), Chola Mukanga et. al. The Notable locals are Luci (@Luciano), Q-FM Zambia, and PlanZambia.

Not only are hashtags not well-defined, events and topics usually go un-noticed as part of the Twitter noise. For those who are hash-tagging and using keywords very well, their following and klout scores are also consistent and steady around the topics of influence they have chosen: music, culture, politics, news, etc.

So pick a topic, pick a few hints from Social Media experts and start tweeting with a defined aim for your followers and any way we measure your audience, we shall see if you are #winning.