Things not to do with social media this festive season

Credit: ArtPlus Marketing

I get it.

You have leave days and a whole bunch of ideas of what to do this festive season but here’s what NOT to do because honestly I speak for many when I say WE ARE TIRED!!


So here are 3 things that annoy many:

1. Stop the broadcast messages – if you’re going to send festive greetings, try to make it more personal and to only the people you actually give a damn about. I hope you’re reading this Ex #3768! Also, there’s nothing more insulting than seeing the ‘forwarded’ tag at the top of a long message.

2. Stop stealing statuses – if you’ve seen it we all probably have too. Social media is a little big world. The least you can do is retweet or share a status update you find funny/interesting. That’s what the tools are for. Don’t let your recycled statuses be the reason you’re cut off in the new year.

3. Stop sharing your good deeds – we love to see people do good but keep people’s privacy at the top of your priority list. Especially with kids. Sometimes sharing a location and pictures of what they look like may actually put them in harm’s way. We live among creeps. Don’t make it easy for them to have access. If you still want to show us how well you did before your “new year, new me” posts kick in, figure out a way to post the same updates but hide the kids, man.

Have a happy festive season! 🍾

About the author

Tech Blogger & Marketer.