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Facebook updated Internet.org and you can watch videos in 360 degree views


Facebook has some new updates:

  1. It has updated Internet.org, allowing more  basic access to more sites than what it launched with. Facebook wrote, “people using the app or mobile web version can navigate to a menu where they can select which services to add to their list of free services. They can also search for a service by name or description.” They also announced that Internet.org will now be called Free Basics by Facebook which can be accessed on FreeBasics.com (which you can only access on the Airtel network in Zambia). Developers are welcome to be a part of the Internet.org development here360-in-news-feed
  2. 360 videos were rolled out to Facebook on Wednesday  because Facebook has realized people like more ‘immersive‘ content in their newsfeed. These 360 videos have to be created using a special camera and if uploaded to Facebook a viewer can choose which angle they want to watch it from, dragging the video either with a cursor on your PC or your finger on a touch screen phone. I think this will be great for advertisers, movie creators, etc who want to give viewers a 360 look/feel of their product. 360 videos will be available on Android and the web soon and on iOS in a few months.


Tech Blogger & Marketer.

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