Instagram to warn users before they post ‘potentially offensive’ captions December 17, 2019 If you’re posting any images or videos on Instagram, the app will now warn you if it thinks your caption is offensive. Instagram has… Continue Reading
Facebook joins hands with partners across Africa for a safer Internet February 6, 2018 Celebrating Safer Internet Day (SID) under the connected theme of “Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you”, Facebook today announced a number of partnerships… Continue Reading
Sharing nudes and sex videos is cyberbullying, ZICTA says February 17, 2017 In light of popular sex video sharing and nudes leaking amongst Zambian mobile users, ZICTA has explained what the implications are in the following tweets… Continue Reading
Twitter will now filter abusive tweets and accounts February 8, 2017 Twitter has shared some changes it is making to its safety measures on the social media platform to combat abusive content. It will do… Continue Reading
It’s world Safer Internet Day! February 7, 2017 Today is Safer Internet Day being celebrated globally under the theme‘Be the change: unite for a better internet’. The day is coordinated by the UK… Continue Reading
Protect Yourself from Cyberbullying April 2, 2014 What child doesn’t have a mobile device or gadget these days? It is 2014 and a lot of children are able to stay online… Continue Reading