More governments now benchmark broadband status in their national plans, says new global report September 10, 2018 A new report issued today by the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development shows that a growing number of governments now benchmark the status of… Continue Reading
Cloud computing helps drive growth October 17, 2017 Advancements in cloud computing and the provision of reliable internet services has helped drive Zambia’s business and economic growth, but more needs to be… Continue Reading
Technology has brought about a number of advancements in efficiency and the ease of doing business in Africa May 9, 2017 Africa’s CEOs are confident that the outlook for business on the continent remains positive notwithstanding the unpredictable economic and socio-political climate. PwC’s Africa Business… Continue Reading
Africa telecom and finance leaders assess accelerating digital investment opportunities April 7, 2017 Leaders from Africa’s biggest telecom investment companies including MTN, Orange, Helios Towers, American Tower, Eaton Towers, Google, Microsoft, Liquid Telecom and SEACOM are meeting… Continue Reading
Is the world wide web really wide? A look at global internet access August 24, 2016 Yesterday we celebrated a #HappyInternetDay, recognising Tim Berners-Lee who opened up the internet 25 years ago on 23rd August 2016, but how wide is… Continue Reading