Gadgets & AppsMobileStart-Ups

Zambian APP-lications: What you should know about creating an app


Lately there has been a rise in the number of apps being made in Zambia by tech-forward individuals and groups. Just look at apps like Zhappening and Zaplaces which are becoming popular by the day.

Some mobile service providers like MTN are even encouraging the development of some of these apps with initiatives like the MTN Appathon where developers can submit their app ideas and make money off of them. Wouldn’t you just love to do that too, seeing as employment is far from available in Zambia?


Ok then here’s what you need to know before you start creating your app. First, what type of app do you want to make? Is it something that caters to the need of the locality you’re in or for anybody really? You have higher chances of doing well with an app that offers a solution to a problem being faced in your community. Pitch the idea to relevant people you think might help and you never know how far it may go. By the way, gaming apps make the most revenue. You might want to take that hint.

Secondly, are you making the app for the money?  Ofcourse we all want returns from any venture we undertake but you need to be realistic also about the fact that your app may not immediately be a hit so you have to work hard to let the world see its relevance and want to get/download it. If you need that app to make you much more money, then create one that other countries, not just Zambia, will want.

You also have to consider whether you want an iPhone, Android or both platform based app. It’s up to you. As much as Zambian mobile owners use a certain amount of iDevices (iPhones, iPads, iPods), they’re not as many compared to Android users so you might want to consider that before developing your app. Gather your statistics from the people around you. It might help you make up your mind.

Should your app be free? If you want more downloads, yes. You’re probably wondering how you make money then. Well, place ads in the app. That’s how most major apps make their money. Find out all the ways you can monetize with a free app and give them a shot.

Lastly, should you hire a team or develop the app yourself? Depending on how much you want to spend on creating and developing the app, use the least possible resources to still get the desired end-product. It will save you some money in the initial stages.

I hope these few tips helped, now go out there and get coding, and don’t forget to write to us about your new app so we can cover it right here.

Picture Credits: Underworld Magazine, Babble





Tech Blogger & Marketer.