Sharing nudes and sex videos is cyberbullying, ZICTA says


In light of popular sex video sharing and nudes leaking amongst Zambian mobile users, ZICTA has explained what the implications are in the following tweets today:

When it comes to children and youth, ZICTA says:

“Children and young people need to be aware of how these digital technologies can also have a negative effect on their lives. Harmful activities can include cyber bullying and harassment, identity theft and online abuse (such as children seeing harmful and illegal content, grooming for sexual purposes, production, distribution and collection of child abuse material).

Empowering children and young people through education and awareness rising is of paramount importance. The first and best form of defense in protecting children is making them aware of what can happen online and making them understand that there is always a solution to a problem that they may encounter online and provide them with the tools to react in a responsible way.”

As for a tip to ensure that you’re not guilty of passing on illegal information, ZICTA also adds,

“Think twice before you publish or share anything online. Are you prepared to share it with everyone online; your close friends, as well as strangers? Once you post information, photographs or any other material on the Internet, you may never be able to remove it or prevent other people from using it. You can never know for sure where it might end up.”

Feel like a victim of cyberbullying or need to report it, call 7070.

About the author

Tech Blogger & Marketer.


  1. Very interesting information, I hope the Zambian population can read it and have a different perspective.

  2. Certainly a great initiative by the regulator, hopefully the same efforts can be replicated , people posting scenes from accidents and victims of such

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