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Samsung Zambia says YOU are Trendy

Samsung-ZambiaIf there’s one thing Zambians are not doing any more, it’s holding back from getting whatever gadgets are trending globally. Samsung Zambia couldn’t agree more. These days, the number of electronics bought online has greatly increased as there is a high demand for the latest gadget at a bargain. Not forgetting that the local shops are having backlogs of orders from hi-tech hungry customers who can’t wait to get their fingers on their new babies.

One particular brand on high demand, and maintaining double digit growth, is Samsung with its ever evolving technology. 2014 seems pretty lined up with new gadgets from the manufacturer, so get your pockets ready.

This does not just apply abroad, Samsung Zambia country Manager James Chona stated recently that ‘Zambians are no longer intimidated by latest tech trends and know what they want’, helping to advance innovations locally and improve efficiency of day-to-day life.  He also said there are plans on extending warranty period to 2 years just to include Zambians into global Samsung community.

Southern Africa Marketing Manager for Samsung Tanya Fouche also added that ‘even though the products that they bring in are “made for Africa”, considering the fact that we are a developing region and have challenges that developed countries do not face like loadshedding, the products are still as high in quality as those made for developed countries’.

All that Samsung really wants is to bring the best to Zambia that meets the needs of all of us. I mean what’s the point of bringing something that would never sell here because it isn’t practical or necessary? Although when you come to think of it, smartphone functionality has become pretty universal, therefore, it makes sense for the best to also be sent to Zambia.

Perhaps this is where I remind you that this is not just phones we’re talking about. Everything ranging from fridges, microwaves, kitchen appliances, TVs, home theatre systems, radios, you name it. Samsung has got it covered. This might also be a good time to slip in the reminder to check out the Samsung Galaxy S5 reviews as is it slated for launch sometime at the end of this month. We have eyes and ears going to the Mobile World Congress so keep your eyes peeled for a review of the S5 soon.



Tech Blogger & Marketer.