
A review of MTN’s Zed @50 Competition


Zambia will turn 50 next month and everyone’s holding a little party of their own, including  telecoms companies like MTN. In commemoration of this jubilee, they have decided to give back to subscribers, by asking them questions they better know the answers to.

The trivia form method will be done daily with one question posted on the MTN Zed 50 website to enable participating subscribers answer questions about Zambia’s history, culture, geography and  arts and culture.

How does it work? 

Well, the subscriber has to register on the mtnzed50.com site with their mobile number and create a password. Then they get to be asked a trivia question which they must answer correctly.

If you don’t get it right, the site allows you to go back and change your answer within this period. If you miss a day without answering the question put out, you can still go back and answer it up to the day that you’re on. This is also how newly registered MTN Zed @50 players can catch up if they haven;t signed up today. You will still be given a chance to answer the previous questions before.

Daily prizes? 


MTN will be giving away K10 to 50 participants and also a Huawei Y220 smartphone to one of them who got the question right the previous day.

Competition Duration

The competition will run from today (4th September) till the 23rd of October when a winner will be announced of the grand prize of K2500, a 2nd prize of K1500 and a 3rd prize of K1000 and the winners will be announced on the MTN Facebook Page and also contacted by phone, SMS or email

If no particular subscriber got the answer correct, the next person with the most correct ones will then be given the prize.

Our thoughts 

Will this competition then just apply to people with smartphones? Clearly, participants need an internet enabled phone to access the website, so will those without them be excluded if they can’t afford to get to an internet cafe in the least? Seems like they are excluded and yet probably make up more than half the subscriber population on the network. That right there is the one thing MTN may have overlooked when rolling out this competition.

Image Credits: MTNZed50



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