This past Monday, Zambia celebrated Labour Day, a national holiday that honours the contributions of workers to the country’s economy and society. The day is marked by various activities, including parades, speeches, and other events, organized by the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions, Lusaka District Committee.
One company that participated in the Labour Day activities was ProBASE, a leading provider of innovative technology solutions in Zambia. Forty-six members of staff from ProBASE took part in the march past, the second time the company has participated in this event. The team marched alongside a colourful band and majorettes, all dressed in ProBASE colours and brand respectfully.
ProBASE’s participation in the march past was a testament to the company’s commitment to its employees and the broader Zambian community. By taking part in this important event, the company showed its support for workers’ rights and the labour movement in Zambia.
During the Labour Day celebrations, ProBASE was also recognized for its contributions to the Zambian economy and society. The company was given the award for Best Innovative Company, an honour that was presented by the Minister of Labour. This award is a testament to ProBASE’s commitment to innovation and excellence, as well as its dedication to making a positive impact on the Zambian community.
ProBASE’s involvement in the Labour Day activities demonstrates the company’s commitment to being a responsible and engaged corporate citizen. By supporting the labour movement and celebrating the contributions of workers to the Zambian economy, ProBASE is sending a clear message that it values its employees and is dedicated to promoting social and economic progress in the country.
Overall, the Labour Day activities in Zambia were a great success, with ProBASE playing an important role in the celebrations. By participating in the march past and being recognized with an award for Best Innovative Company, ProBASE showed that it is not only a leader in the technology industry but also a committed partner in the development of the Zambian economy and society.
Source: ProBASE