Astro Mobile Africa

Press Release: Astro Mobile Africa now in Zambia

Astro Mobile Africa
Astro Mobile Africa

Astro Mobile strives to be the leading provider of mobile and electronic solutions in Africa. Having been the pioneer in the design and manufacture of ICT gadgets and applications the company is now focused in the convergence of mobility, Internet and electronics.

The company aims at providing a wide range of mobile devices, electronics, services and software that enable people to go beyond communications to convenience. Astro Mobile Africa is one of the first African company to embark into designing and manufacturing of mobile devices. Astro Mobile Africa not only leads in the design of mobile devices but also wishes to harness the power of mobile technology in helping economies grow and societies develop.

Through developing mobile applications and electronic solutions for network providers, Corporates and governments. Our vision is to release this potential by extending mobile access and allowing people to do more on their mobile devices.

Astro Mobile Africa is headquartered in Mauritius and has representation in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria. The company has managed to build an African home grown brand which is now being distributed in more than 10 African countries. Astro Mobile Africa is in the process of setting up one of the biggest manufacturing plants in Zimbabwe for smart LED TVs and is in the final process to start establishing an assembling plant for mobile phones in Zambia.

Setting up assembly plants in Africa will help increase the company’s efficiency in product delivery and after sales support. Which will effectively help in job creation for thousands of Africans as well as technology transfer. Currently the company has one factory plant in China and also collaborates with other factories for high volume orders outside its current capacities. We are focused on continuing to lead the mobile devices market, and growing African consumer Internet with the provision of localised content. The company aims at forging strategic partnerships with several players in the ICT industry and these will include financiers, network providers, content developers and government ministries.

We wish Astro Mobile Africa the best of luck with their devices and we promise to keep a close eye on their progress with a few device reviews. The planned manufacturing plant will bring much needed skilled jobs to the economy.

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  1. Hai I have a problem with my phone & the problem is that I Brock my teach screen! so do you have sperparts

  2. I just broke my screen and its not working,where can I get it fixed from??

  3. I have astro s5 slide phone the screen is broken I need the screen am in Zambia copperbelt

  4. Astro phone i bought some few months ago just stopped working on its on. its not even getting on and not even charging, its off completely. what should i do…

  5. my astro funbook the touch is brocken i need a touch am in zambia lusaka

  6. I want a screen for my Airtel slide, I broke the screen, am in KITWE Zambia, agent


  8. I bought astro mobile phone from airtel now it has a touch problem were can I get spare parts?

  9. i bought a phone astro bullet4 from zamtel zambia but it is failing to download videos and even to download pictures it is very difficult ,what should i do ?please help

    1. Dear Anthony,
      please bring your device to our after sales service in lusaka at Pangea office next Arcades shopping mall ,In Ndola at Jacaranda shopping opposite Zesco and at Anchor House off Mosi-o-tunya road in Livingstone

  10. we want to known were you shops a located so that we can bring our phones for fixing

    1. please bring your device to our after sales service in lusaka at Pangea office next Arcades shopping mall ,In Ndola at Jacaranda shopping opposite Zesco and at Anchor House off Mosi-o-tunya road in Livingstone


  11. typing error….we want to know were your shops are located in lusaka pliz

  12. Have an astro mobile phone. It’s excellent in operations and good in the hand. I need to get another one. First one was a trial. Am impressed

  13. I broke my astro slide s5 and it shut down. can it be repaired if so how much can it coast?

  14. hey I just broke my phone and its not working so where can I get the screen from …can contact me on (+260966168595)
    mike mulenga

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