
Orica Donates $50000 Worth of Tech To A Kalulushi School

Where Orica operates

In the spirit of corporate social responsibility, Orica Limited, a global mining solutions company, donated $50000 (US) to Twalubuka School in Kalulushi in the form of a computer lab. This was done for students there who number more than 1500 to have access to computers and increase their technological skills.

The lab consists of about 50 computers, with the sponsorship covering the material needed to renovate the lab and also to install the hardware and network requirements. They also brought in a teacher as part of the project. Think of the whole project as a mini-technology hub (watch out Bongohive!).

Twalabuka School is the first to benefit from Orica’s Global Partnership Programme which seeks to give back to the communities in which Orica is based, in this case Kalulushi being close to the Orica operation at Chambishi.

At the official handover ceremony, Orica Zambia Country Lead Anthony Mwila said, “Orica is proud to support the Twalubuka Secondary School program. We’re pleased that Orica’s Global Community Partnership Program enables such sponsorships to deliver immediate benefits to local communities.”

In attendance were Honorable Rayford Mbulu, District Education Board Secretary and Kalulushi District Commissioner, and Orica’s Richard Hoggard (Executive Global Head of Manufacturing), Ron Douglas (Executive Global Head Projects and Technology) and Clytie Dangar (Global Account Manager).

According to Orica’s website the Global Partnership Programme launched in July 2014 is intended to “provide corporate funding for initiatives that demonstrate Orica’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and provide tangible results for host communities. A key objective of the program is to channel funds to regions proportionally to reflect Orica’s operational footprint. Orica is committed to effective and targeted engagement with the communities that host the Company’s operations.”

It’s good to see business give back to the communities around them. Technology is the one basic need most people are overlooking but we believe if everyone can have access to it, the better developed areas like Zambia will be.


Tech Blogger & Marketer.

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