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NetOne Zambia Launches Neo, Its Own Range Of Laptops

NetOne has been operational in Zambia for 15 years. What started as a 1-man-company now employs in excess of 100 staff. NetOne has always pioneered leading technology in Zambia. The technology teams at NetOne are constantly introducing new products into the Zambian market. From launching Zambia’s 1st Tier 3 data center facility in 2013, Zambia’s first formalized device leasing platform in 2020, Zambia’s 1st wallet agnostic payment platform in 2021, now they launch Zambia’s 1st laptop brand, and Zambia’s first Security Operations Center(SOC).

The launch of the Security Operations Center (SOC) is timed with the brewing cybersecurity and crimes act of 2021. One of the biggest fears that the larger international corporates have is data security and also the various challenges and costs involved in setting up an in-house SOC. The SOC will function 24/7/365 while monitoring the various threats associated with data and mitigating them. Huge amounts of time and funds have gone into the proper execution, training, and set up of the NetOne SOC and so they feel the nation can make use of the facility to safeguard sensitive data.

The NetOne team is devoted to creating and facilitating technology enablement for all sectors of society. They are eager to break the divide and make world-class technology affordable locally. NetOne has expressed a desire to various government stakeholders in their interest to manufacture laptops and other gadgets locally. They believe this could transform the technology sector in Zambia by creating local skills, affordable devices and also opportunities for regional trade. The launch of Neo ties in with this objective and to holistically support the government’s digital transformation agenda.

NetOne believes in partnerships that can add value to the economy and has worked tirelessly over the years to achieve this. One such example is Project Digitize that works through an array of partnerships with banks, training partners and ISPs to offer devices, data and digital literacy to the teachers in Zambia. Neo is instrumental to the success of this program as it significantly reduces the cost of devices for educators.

NetOne’s key objective is skills development, employment creation and the execution of world class technology in Zambia. They believe that Zambia should lead technology growth on the continent and they want to be a key facilitator for that growth.

Source: NetOne