Google Glass Production Halted


We were quite excited at first about Google Glass, smart glasses that allow you to connect to the internet and other devices, but it seems Google is pulling it off the market.

Google Glass might still make it to the global market but for now representatives from Google have stated that they want to pull the current version of the smart glasses available on the market.

Google Glass features include being able to browse the internet, take pictures and record video and audio via voice commands.

The smart glasses were launched first in the United Kingdom and cost £1,000 (about ZMW 9800). We had  a few concerns about the release because something about them didn’t seem ‘complete‘, with regards to its functionality. Also it kind of looks a little odd on the face.

Google acknowledged this in a post on its Google+ page stating that “Glass was in its infancy, and you took those very first steps and taught us how to walk. Well, we still have some work to do, but now we’re ready to put on our big kid shoes and learn how to run.”

We can not wait  to see how they expand on the product, which at first always seemed to not be something that would not appeal to the developing world for its high cost and limited functionality.

Google also wrote, “As part of this transition, we’re closing the Explorer Program so we can focus on what’s coming next. January 19 will be the last day to get the Glass Explorer Edition. In the meantime, we’re continuing to build for the future, and you’ll start to see future versions of Glass when they’re ready. (For now, no peeking.)”

So no, you can’t get your hands, or eyes, on a pair of Google Glasses starting in 3 days. You have to see (no pun here) what Google gets up to next.

Image Credit: TechnoBuffalo

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