What Does March 20 Google Doodle Mean?
At first glance, if you wonder what the heck Google doodle is all about today then you’re definitely in a warm climate area. Don’t be perplexed. Today’s, March 20 Google doodle celebrates the first day of spring. Hence the growing flowers animation. Also known as the vernal equinox, the 20 March is the first day of spring.
According to The Independent, during an equinox, the Earth’s north and south poles are not tilted toward or away from the sun. This phenomena occurs twice a year: on 20 March and on 22 September.
The beginning of Spring is also the beginning of warmer temperatures for your friends located in the Tundra region, well anywhere pretty much where you get temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius.
The maps illustrate the various temperatures in Southern Africa, North America and Europe to show how people are experiencing the weather differently. Small world, big world!