Zambian Headlines

Local App Friday: Zambian Headlines

Zambian Headlines
Zambian Headlines

1. What is the product?

Zambian Headlines web application.

2. What does it do?

Zambian Headlines provides up to date current local headlines for business, education, health, lifestyle, local court, news, politics, sport, and technology news, from some of the most popular media houses in Zambia. The aim of this product is to join most of the nation’s current affairs and offer it to users allowing them to easily follow or catch up. Zambian Headlines now provides news from nine (9) sources, namely: Kitwe Times, Lusaka Voice, Mwebantu Media, Tech Trends, Tumfweko, Zambian Intelligence News, Zambian Watchdog, Zambia Daily Nation and Zambian Eye.

3. How do people access it?

People can use the web application by visiting:
Zambian Headlines Logo
Zambian Headlines Logo

4. Any future plans for the product?

Currently, we allow users to
  • Register
  • Select the headline sources they want to see on their profile
  • “Check” their favourite headlines
  • “Associate” with another registered user, creating an associates mutual relationship
  • View content from other One Ziko apps like Zambian Facts
Moving forward, we will add:
  • Allow users to suggest more headline sources
  • Allow for integration with other websites/ apps and
  • Extend the app to Android and other platforms

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