Hello Windows 10, forget what 9 could have been


Skipping what we’d have expected as Windows 9, Microsoft has gone directly to Windows 10 and it seems to be much better than the Windows 8 that most consumers had trouble getting used to, with all its tiles. However, this is not the official release of the operating system (OS) and will only be available next year.

So what’s new with Windows 10?

  • The Start button is back! Yes, the very one on your bottom left of the screen. The one we’re ALL familiar with, with all your programs lined up above it. However, as shown in the screenshot below the tiles are not completely gone. Dear Microsoft, let it go.
Windows 10 Start Menu
Windows 10 Start menu
  • It will run on a wider variety of devices such as laptops,  desktops, phablets  tablets, and smartphones. and you can update applications on one device and they will be updated on your other devices which are also running on Windows 10.
  • Windows 10 will now even more sensitive to what type of device you’re using. TileWord will still be there for touchscreen devices, but the regular Windows interface will be available for keyboard-and-mouse supported PCs or devices. In a demonstration they showed that even a gadget with both options, the Surface tablet, could switch between the two if a keyboard was attached and when detached.
  • The ‘Search‘ button will allow you to get suggestions even from the web, not just the computer.
  • The ‘Task view‘ bar will enable you to open all the screens you have running as little screens on the main one.
Windows 10 task view
‘Task View’ will allow you to see all your running screens at once

This might be the operating system that gets people to upgrade from Windows 7, which many people, 51% of users to be specific, stuck to even after Windows 8 was rolled out. Seriously, only 13% of Microsoft’s Windows users upgraded to the 8 or 8.1 versions.

We still don’t know the price if any the size of the upgrade, any requirements for the devices it can be installed on. Those announcements will be made later but for now the Beta version of the OS has been made open to developers before the official launch next year.

Microsoft must really think this is the ‘ONE’ for them to skip having a Windows 9 version so while they’re counting what numbers to name their operating systems, all we want is user friendly, functional and less-confusing systems in place.

Image Credit: Forbes

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