Hackers Guild Opens Applications for the 2017 Africa Code Week Train the Trainers

Are you passionate about technology, teaching, sharing knowledge and empowering our generation and next generation of creators? Then this is for you!

On behalf of Africa Code Week Team, Hackers Guild is delighted to invite you to participate in the Train of Trainers Workshops in preparation for the Africa Code Week in Zambia.

The purpose of the Africa Code week is to train youth and children in computer programming, the literacy of this generation. Therefore, if you are a community organiser, primary school teacher or you run an internet cafe and can mobilise young people and share what you learn – then click here to register for the Trainers of Trainers Training!

Half a million Coders,500,000 hearts to conquer:
This is both our target for this year
And how many young stars
We’ve introduced to coding so far. – Africa Code Week Team

This initiative is supported by SAP in partnership Cape Town Science Centre and the Gateway Education Center. Hackers Guild will yet again host this years Africa Code week Training of Trainers workshops in Lusaka at Lusaka International Community School (LICS) on the 25th and 26th August 2017 with the objective to introduce coding to Teachers, Community leaders and individuals who are willing to spread the knowledge they acquire.

In case you are worried about logistics on how to get to the venue, Hackers Guild will provide you with transport refund.

Interested, click here to register; need more Information contact Hackers Guild on +260 95 4041449 or email contactus@hackersguild.org or visit their Facebook page for more details.

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