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Facebook has updated its News Feed controls

The Facebook News Feed is the first thing we usually see when we log into our accounts and so many changes are made to it to improve how we get our feed. Facebook has inrsuded a smarter contol update that allows users to get the news feed they want, by following a few steps within their accounts.

News Feed on the social media site is ranked according to each user’s interests or people the interact with the most but now there is more control being gien to allow you pick whose feed you want to see everytime you log in.

Select and prioritize friends and Pages: as shown in the image above you have more options for tuning your news feed now. It will enable you choose which people and what pages’ posts will be top priority when you log into your account or open your mobile Facebook app. To help prioritize stories, and make sure you don’t miss posts from particular friends and Pages, you can now select which friends and Pages you would like to see at the top of your News Feed. To do this you have to tap the friend whose posts you want to see first. In your News Feed they will appear with a star sign to show you that you selected them as a priority. You will then scroll down to view your whole News Feed as it normally appears.

Find new Pages to like: You will also be able to see suggestions for Pages you may like which are similar to Pages you have liked on Facebook in the past.

Follow or unfollow friends and Pages: the update also makes it easier to see a list of the top people, Pages and groups that you have been seeing over a week’s time, and allows you unfollow any friend, Page or group to no longer see their posts first in your feed.


To get to News Feed Preferences, tap the ‘More’ button at the bottom right hand corner of your Facebook mobile app and find them under ‘Settings’.

This new News Feed control update is available on iOS and will be rolling out on Android and desktop versions soon.


Tech Blogger & Marketer.