You’re not alone if your Facebook mobile app went down for a few minutes last night. The glitch was seen the world over with users seeing the error page shown above rather than their beloved newsfeed.
Yup, it was the apocalypse according to some of the reaction on Twitter from users who switched apps to complain using the hashtag #facebookdown.
Some of the reactions were too funny not to share:
Friend: “Facebook was down for so long i was almost dying” #facebookdown Me: “Yeah, just saw it on twitter”
— reta. (@ZiamIsMyKingdom) September 24, 2015
#facebookdown Twitter: Hurry up! Lock all doors and windows. Hide in the bedroom and don’t make a sound. We don’t want them coming here! — Angela.Kay (@DeepSouthProud) September 24, 2015
Was forced to use a network of carrier pigeons & morse code to find out which high school friends got fat. #facebookdown
— Funny Or Die (@funnyordie) September 24, 2015
Moment of silence for all the likes that were lost for any couples who decided to announce their engagement today. #facebookdown — Katie Haller (@halleratyou) September 24, 2015
#facebookdown Facebook is down! Users are roaming the streets shoving photos in people’s faces and screaming “DO YOU LIKE THIS? DO YOU?
— Anaglogs Daughter (@AnaglogsDaughtr) September 24, 2015
Rough day calling people to find out what they ate and if their kids made it off to school ok. #facebookdown — Jeff Dwoskin (@bigmacher) September 24, 2015
Facebook is down. Babies all over the world fall silent. They stare at their parents, eyes searching for a camera. Waiting. #facebookdown
— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) September 24, 2015
You can see more of these hilarious reactions by clicking on this hashtag #Facebookdown