Last evening at the Bongohive tech hub, Futex Solutions launched their new app called eZe Library, which is an e-governance app that currently has 3 documents readily available for sharing an download, being the Draft Constitution, Women’s Rights and the Attorney General’s Report.
Brian Mukuka of Futex stated that the app allows you to create a user profile upon opening it, which helps the developers in their analytics work, to see users preferences and help make suggestions for them. However, you can always skip the profile creation part.
The documents in the app have been segmented into parts for easier navigation as shown below for the Zambian Draft Constitution:
The app’s purpose is to increase access to information for Zambians as well as other interested users.
Eze Library put it out on their flyer stating, “eZe Library aims to raise awareness of citizens by providing a a central location doe easy access to information and government documentation, thereby providing knowledge on what they are entitled.”
When asked about what platforms it is available on, we were told only on Google Play Store for free here, or the mobile site at
eZe Library still seems like a work in progress though as the Archives, Help and Settings options (in the menu list shown below) on the website are non-responsive, and don’t have content beyond their names.
However, the app developers did state that contributions to making the app better are welcome.
The overall picture that we should greatly appreciate is that the eZe Library app is one of very few that is using technology to promote human rights and good governance in Zambia.
(Sreenshots sources: eZe Library website)
Great app! and am proud that its been developed by our own Zambian guys.
That’s the way to go Zambia with Tech.