
Airtel Zambia donates to Mansa orphanage

Image Source: Airtel Zambia

Airtel Zambia as part of its corporate social responsibility has donated assorted goods to an orphanage in Mansa, Luapula Province.

Airtel Zonal Manager Brian Chibesa said Airtel was pleased with the donation that would benefit 15 orphaned children as they want to help change lives in their society.

“We received a request to support this orphanage and we are here today to assess what else  Airtel can do to cushion the challenges being faced. We believe in changing the lives of the vulnerable in our society and Mansa orphanage is not the first one nor last that we are helping,” Mr. Chibesa said.

He added,  “Zambia is a signatory to two declarations regarding Children’s Rights which are ‘The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’ (UNCRC) and the ‘African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child’ (The Children’s Charter) and both these instruments state that a child is any person under the age of 18 years who has the right to shelter, food, clothing  and education. It is, therefore, our sincere hope that this humble donation of food stuffs will go a long way in at least taking care of the nutrition aspect of the children sheltered here.”

The donation was received by the orphanage’s co-ordinator Mrs Katandula who thanked Airtel for the donation as the home was lacking basic amenities that they now received from Airtel.

“This is not the first time that Airtel has come to our rescue and helped us with various donations. Our plea is that we can be adopted so as the children can be rest assured that they will always have somewhere to run to whenever there is a problem. We deeply appreciate Airtel who we have come to consider as our fair-weather friend and hope that other institutions working around Mansa can also come on board to help these children who don’t have anywhere to go,” Mrs Katandula said.



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