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Internet outage reported in parts of Zambia

Internet Down
Internet Down

We are getting reports through our various platforms that mobile network providers data networks have been down in certain parts of Zambia since late Tuesday. The outage seems to be over for some subscribers but not all.

If you live in the parts of Zambia that seem to be the worst affected, namely Southern and North Western please let us know. Include your location and network provider. The reports so far show the following networks have had an extended data outage:

  1. Airtel Zambia
  2. MTN Zambia
  3. Vodafone 4G

The Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) have not provided any reason for the outage either in the public press or through their social media platforms. I have attached screenshots from the MNOs on the social media platform when asked about the outages:

None of the operators are providing a clue into the cause of the outage on their social media platforms:

MTN Zambia
MTN Zambia
Airtel Zambia
Airtel Zambia

WIth meaningless responses coming from the MNOs we have to ask where is our right to protection from the regulator and consumer protection entities. The internet is a right and a business tool. The lost productivity for companies will run into several thousand Kwacha, who will compensate them for the lost business opportunities? How do multiple operators suffer outages in the same areas at the same time on the same service, only data affected not voice.

Let us know if you have been affected.

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