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President Edgar Lungu has a Facebook app that could help you meet him


If these aren’t the most digital elections we’ve had, I don’t know whatever was. The election period in Zambia is starting to reach its peak, and candidates are not short of, erm, innovation.

Introducing President Edgar Lungu’s Facebook app. It allows anyone (PF supporter or not) to connect to the President and possibly have a chance to meet him in person. It will ask for access to your Facebook profile but only limited to seeing your public updates and your email address. So don’t worry that you will have PF powered your popping up on your feed! PushThatLife also pointed this out, saying “it won’t post anything on your timeline on your behalf so you can rest easy if you are still trying to keep who you are voting for a secret.”

There is a box that you can type in your reason your reason to meet the President, and will ask you to fill in your phone number (don’t leave any spaces between numbers) and location within Zambia.



After your request has been submitted your screen will refresh to this:

edgar 3

Reasons for wanting to meet the President are first screened by the app managers to avoid explicit content or language from being shared onto what looks like a newsfeed of many people’s requests. So far the requests I have seen don’t make sense, but once more people know and use the app, there might be more:


Try it out here.


Tech Blogger & Marketer.

One thought on “President Edgar Lungu has a Facebook app that could help you meet him

  • priscilla kunda

    i would like to work with tasila lungu, the cleaning of garbage in compounds and towns in order to prevent diseases such as cholela by working hand in hand with the youths who are jobless.

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