Last week’s technology stories on #techtrends!

Last Week's Tech Trends (1)

For all you tech heads with FOMO here’s what you MIGHT have missed:

1. The internet may be responsible for the death of languages as more users prefer to use English on it rather than other languages they know, even if they are available on browsers/apps/sites. Read more here.

2. Google has a list of sites which receive the most copyright infringement complaints about, and even though there is no copyright law that protects online content internationally, there is the Berne Convention signed by many countries to protect each other’s content as they would their own. Read more here.

3. ever wondered what technology will be like in the next 5 years? Well, IBM came up with a list after interviewing over 5000 tech experts in over 70 countries with cloud computing, mobile solutions and the internet of things (IoT) making the top cut. You can see more here.

4. Device manufacturer LG launched a new tablet aimed at areas with only 3G access to show their commitment to creating products that are usable by many. The price has not yet been revealed, but you can see the features of the tablet here.

5. FNB Zambia in partnership with Visa launched their Card Security Week last week and shared some ways in which cardholders can protect themselves from card and ATM fraud. You can find those tips and more here.

6. Finally, there’s a new Apple store opening in Zambia, iStore, in Lusaka this Thursday so we’re pretty excited about that. It is meant to be a dedicated Apple store so we hope it has all the services Apple stores worldwide receive. Some of those expected services are outlined in this blog here.

That was about technology last week, let’s see what’s new this week.

About the author

Tech Blogger & Marketer.